Dock Lifeguard, LLC

PO Box 8

Lake Ozark, Mo 65049

Phone: 573 434-6453

Fax: 573 374-9285

info  @


Dock Saftey. It is your responsibility to maintaina safe dock.

Dock Lifeguard - Company Information

Dock Lifeguard, LLC was founded in July of 2012 after two concerned engineers became aware of three tragic deaths by electrocution that occurred at their local lake over the Fourth of July weekend. In two separate but equally devastating incidents, two young children and one adult woman were electrocuted while swimming near their docks. These heartbreaking accidents were a stark reminder of the unseen dangers lurking in the water, specifically the threat of electrical currents that can turn a routine swim into a fatal event.

Determined to prevent such senseless loss of life, the engineers set out to develop a solution to this invisible hazard. The result of their efforts was the Dock Lifeguard product, designed to detect dangerous electrical currents in the water. However, creating an effective device was not a simple task. The challenge lay in the complex nature of electricity when it interacts with water, as various environmental factors influence the behavior of electrical currents. Moreover, the presence of metal in the water, such as from docks and boats, complicates matters further, as the characteristics of metal change over time due to corrosion and exposure.

This made the problem especially difficult and required a carefully engineered solution. Through rigorous testing and innovative engineering, Dock Lifeguard was created to provide an essential layer of safety for anyone enjoying the water. It is a proactive approach to safeguarding lives, ensuring that you, your family, and friends can enjoy swimming and boating with the peace of mind that the Dock Lifeguard system is on watch, protecting against potential electrical hazards before they become deadly.

By addressing this critical safety concern, Dock Lifeguard continues to fulfill its mission of helping to protect lives, transforming the tragedy that inspired it into a lifesaving innovation.

Dock Lifeguard - Helping Protect you and your loved ones

LOprofile Article

Copyright 2013-2025 by Dock Lifeguard, LLC
2820 Bagnell Dam Blvd, A5
Lake Ozark, MO 65049
(573) 434-6453